The ENDE Line,
A great American breed
The ENDE birds are a composite of several successful breeding lines that Victor DeBrouwer and Bill Ensign have bred straight for more than forty years. Our original goal was to produce the ultimate race machine. A bird that could win from 100 to 600 miles and bird that could be raced week after week. Birds that would fly 8 to 12 hours or more on the wing, birds that mature and orient quickly, when released from the basket. They must have the ability to quickly recoup after the race has been flown. These are the kind of birds that win out of turn. Our breeding lines are kept straight and crossed for racing purposes and the winners are then put back into the breeding lines for their young to be raced. This gives them a high bred “Vigor” that produces an even greater pigeon. With our breeding partners that live several hundred miles away we bring in the “Environmental Cross” from time to time and this produces a hardier species. We discovered by breeding off stock, several hundred miles apart that are of the same breeding lines, created a cornerstone for success.
Although Victor DeBrouwer is of Flemish Belgium descent, he was born in the U.S.A. and we consider the “ENDE” line a great American breed. It was 1970 when Victor DeBrouwer got back into pigeons and started to develop the “DeBrouwer Grizzles”. This line of pigeon came from an old friend of our family Hank Van Londersele. Another Belgium pigeon flyer, he was one of my grandfather’s best friends. This grizzle line started with one red grizzle cock and three grizzle hens.
During the 1970’s & 1980’s this family was very successful for Vic and others who were fortunate enough to fly them. Originally these grizzles were great distance pigeons and Vic always wanted to develop a family of birds that would win both long and short distance races. So Vic brought in some great birds to cross into the grizzle family. He started with the De Paul and Torreken Bekaerts from Dan Hinds and Jack De Wolf. After several years of breeding these together successfully Vic brought in another great American Bekaert line called the Waterhouse Bekaerts created by Will Waterhouse.
This four way cross was magic and took the “DeBrouwer Grizzle” to the top in short order. By 1981 this one original red grizzle cock named “Big Red Rider” was responsible for 20 combine winners in three different combines, this included six children and 14 grandchildren. Note: this was years before “Hapyco” bandit grizzle line was introduced to the pigeon world. In 1973 Vic and Dave Clark bought six pair of Janssen and split them, three pairs each. Dave and Vic work on developing this family of Janssens over the years until Dave’s untimely death at the age of 52. Vic continued to breed these Janssens and named them the “Clark Janssens” after his good friend Dave.
Then in 1989 Vic met a pigeon flyer from Scotland, named Dr. Jeff Horn. Vic proceeded to buy his first two pair of Horn Busschaerts. Over the years Jeff and Vic have become best of friends and he has done great things with the Horn birds. Dr. Horn would always say that his birds were at their best when crossed with other lines and that was exactly what Vic was looking for. The Horn birds were an instant success crossed onto Vic’s other straight bred birds. Vic has continued over the years to bring in a few of Dr. Horns great birds just to top off what he already has been successful with. These birds when crossed have been magical year after year, they just keep getting better and better.
We have had exceptional success at club racing and the big one loft races across the country and in China and South Africa. With our great friends and breeding partners Mike Cassidy, Mark Teal, Cecil Romero, Steve Miner, Dan Shonkwiler and Frank Meder.
The friendship of Victor DeBrouwer and Bill Ensign began 13 years ago. We began to see each other more often when Vic decided to open another branch of his roofing company in Las Vegas. After years of working on Vic and Charlene to move to Las Vegas they finally yielded, and bought a home on a half-acre in 2005. After years of planning how we were going to create the “ENDE” line, we put our plan into motion and started construction on a holding pen for our birds in 2008. That year we bred our first winner of the “ENDE” line 08 TWO-BE-WON “Sutter’s Gold”. In just the last four years we have amassed a record of 47 club wins and 33 one loft races.
Just ask Dan Severns what he has been able to do with just one cock from TWO BE WON that he bought in a City Of Hope Auction.
The "True Worth" of the "ENDE" line is the way these pigeons perform for others. All these results are at the hands of other people racing and breeding these "Exceptional Pigeons".
One of the great foundation cocks of the ENDE line is 96-SCQ-1359
“The Castaway Cock”
He was bred for the 1996 A.U. Convention race in San Francisco by the loft of WE-BE-THREE. Vic De Brouwer placed this bird with Armando DayLa-O, but Armando was not flying the convention race from his loft. He had an “Old Man” friend of his that had not flown birds in years, but had a better loft location for the race, I never asked for this bird back after the race and the truth is, I forgot about him. Apparently, Armando did too and we both just abandoned this bird there in the “Old Man’s” loft.
Well, as time goes on, I received a phone call in December of 1997 from a Mr. James Mc Burney of northern California and he begins to tell me a story about an “Old Man” friend of his who can no longer take care of his pigeons and gave them all to him. Mr. Mc Burney said the reason I am calling you there is a bird in the loft 96 SCQ 1359 does he belong to you and do you want him back.
At the time, none of this registered with me. I did not know the “Old Man”, and I forgot about the A.U. Convention in 1996, nor was the bird’s number familiar and I could not believe that James Mc Burney was actually tracing me down to return the bird. I told Mr. Mc Burney thanks and that I would send him a check so he could return this bird. When the bird came in, it was a little run down and off its form because the “Old Man” could not take care of the birds like he used to. So I put him in a section with some other extra cock birds and just left him unattended. He got healthy, but I never bred him.
In December of 1998, I received a call from my friend, Dan Shonkwiler, who said he needed a couple extra cocks to complete his breeding program, so he came over and I let him take #1359 home to breed. Two weeks later, Dan called me to tell me he decided to move to Florida for six months or more and he was getting a friend to watch his house and care for the birds until he got back. Well, Dan got back in December of 1999 and called me to go out to his house in Apple Valley and help him go through the birds and mate them for this last years breeding. When I got there, we started going through the cock birds and I ran across #1359 again, then I decided to take him back and finally give him a home and breed him for the first time.
His first year he bred the “Holiday Cup” race winner “Holiday’s Blue Angle” She won $24,000 after flying 9Hr’s 42 min. on the wing. “The Castaway Cock” nest mate brother “The Champ” 96 SCQ 1360 Three days later bred the “San Diego Classic” Winner.
The saga continues for “The Castaway Cock” Vic dispersed all of his pigeons with the anticipation of moving to Vegas he then sent “The Castaway Cock” to Mike Cassidy for the “Relic Program” in 2005. On Sunday, May 3, 2009 Mike Cassidy was in the “Relic” loft banding a baby. As he opened the door to exit into the feed room “The Castaway Cock” saw an opportunity for freedom and flew out the door. Landing on the ground in front of the loft he started picking at the ground as if looking for something. Mike’s first thought was to get the fish net and catch him before he flew off. As soon as Mike stepped down the stairs he flew away. At that moment Mike thought he would never return. As Mike watched him circle and gain altitude the only thing left to do was let out some birds to attract his attention and maybe get him to return. After letting a few birds out he watched “The Castaway Cock” become the “Flyaway” as he flew southeast towards La Habra and disappears. The following two days he thought there was a remote possibility he might come back but it didn’t happen.
On Monday, May 25, (Memorial Day) three weeks and one day after “The Castaway Cock” flew away Mike had some young birds out flying. As they landed in on landing board he would walk them into the trap. As he walked towards the group of 5-6 birds he saw “The Castaway Cock”! Imagine seeing a $500.00 bill on the ground, you see it but you don’t believe it! He calmly grabbed him and gave him a quick inspection. He was down in weight 33% but surprisingly for a 16 year old bird he looked great! No lice, no fly’s so he gave him a special digestive water mixture, some light feed and put him back in his box with his mate #1977. Mike really feels this was a miracle and in the future the reason for # 1359’s return will be quite evident. That bird hasn’t been out of a loft for over 10 years and to come back over three weeks later is unbelievable!
The breeding performance of this great cock is outstanding he has bred 14 Daughters and 6 Sons that have bred winners below are some of the high lights of their performances.
1) 00-LAP-1388 "Holiday's Blue Angel" BBH Daughter of "The Castaway Cock" In 2000 she was 1st Place winner of the San Diego Holiday cup 365 mile North course and this race was multiple lofts from the San Diego club members. She was on the wing 9hrs 42 min. and won over the 2nd place bird that was clocked 20 miles short of Steve Miners loft. There were only 7 day birds and she won $24,000. In 2004 "Holiday's Blue Angel" bred a son 04-WB3-1288 "Poker Chip" 23rd Place winner Vegasrace.com 05, and in 2009 "Poker Chip" bred a son 09-TBW-925 that was 1st Place All Greater Valley from 175 miles Fresno flown by Mike Cassidy. In 2009 "Holiday's Blue Angle" Bred 09-TBW-981 1st Place winner 100 Miles Tournament of Champions. Also in 2009 "Holidays Blue Angle" bred 09-TBW-966 "Star Hopper" 1st Place 150 Miles Tournament of Champions only two birds on the drop and 20 min. ahead of the 2nd drop with only 16 day birds.
2) 00-LAP-1389 "Big Sister" BBH Daughter of "The Castaway Cock" and nest mate to "Holiday's Blue Angle" "Big Sister" was our number one young bird in the 2000 young bird race season. She only bred one year for us and in 2003 she bred #15 flown by Dan Shonkwiler in Florida #15 won three 1st Place combine races, 2 times in young birds and once in old birds. I gave " Big Sister" to my good friend Dr. Jim Vanderhiete where over the years she has bred many winners and great performance pigeon's.
3) 01-AVC-777 "Triple Seven Hen" BBH Daughter of "The Castaway Cock" and "The Watkin's Hen". In 2001 "The Triple Seven" hen was 8th Place winner for Ed Lorenz at the Snow Bird Futurity and she came in with a drop of five birds she was equal 1st Place but trapped fifth and and placed 8th overall. Ed Lorenz kept this hen until 2008 when I finally got her back. She has primarily been use for breeding future breeders because of her age.
4) 01-AVC-0740 "Miss Exceptional" BBH Daughter of "The Castaway Cock" This hen was handled at six weeks old by Dr. Jeff Horn and ask if he could name this hen, so he named her "Miss Exceptional" in 2008 a son #161 was 5th All Greater Valley from Tulare 130 miles. In 2011 a daughter 09-WB2-6 in old birds was 1st all Greater Valley from Modesto 300 Miles flown by Mike Cassidy.
5) 01-LAP-1362 "The China Express" BBC Son of "The Castaway Cock" This young cock was bred and sent to the 2001 "Beiging Classic" one loft race in China. This was a 6 race series with breeder's from all over the world there were a total of 565 entry's.
Race #1 Sept. 16th 200 Miles he was 3rd overall 477 B.
Race #2 Sept. 23rd 200 Miles he was 40th overall 434 B.
Race #3 Sept 30th 200 Miles he was 37th overall 429 B.
Race #4 Oct. 6th 250 Miles he was 298th overall 423 B.
Race #5 Oct. 14th 250 Miles he was 1st overall 398 B.
Race #6 Oct. 28th 300 Miles he was 65th overall 371 B.
All these race position's were as the bird went through the trap in clocking order not birds on the drop."The China Express" was 13th overall average speed and when the birds were auctioned off he was the highest priced bird in the sale he went for $4500.00. He was purchased by Mr. Xie the first year Mr. Xie bred "The China Express" he entered one of his youngster in the "Golden Boat" one loft Race in Mongolia China 320 miles 2800 birds and finished 1st Place.
6) 02-WB3-0000 "The Zero Hen" BBH Daughter of "The Castaway Cock" and "The Watkin's Hen" when 02-WB3-0000 was mated to her sire "The Castaway Cock" she bred 04-WB3-1228 "Lady Castaway". She has bred the following birds 09-FK 970 1st to the loft 46th overall 1112 birds flown by Dan Shonkwiler in Florida. 10-LONESTAR-613 BBH 1st overall 475 birds from 106 miles also #613 was equal 1st of a five bird drop 346 birds from 318 miles. 11-TBW-11191 "Cast-A-Star" BBH 1st Place winner 300 Miles San Diego Holiday Cup Race. 11-TBW-11127 "Smokie" In the Million Dollar South Africa Race series "Smokie" was U.S.A. 27th average speed winner overall after the five hot spot races. Hot spot #1 race 32 place 121 miles 4462 B., Hot Spot #2 race 357 place 159 miles 4229 B., Hot Spot #3 race 93rd place 188 miles 4057 B., Hot Spot #4 race 1045 place 213miles 4073 B., Hot Spot race #5 138th place 236 miles 3856 B. 12-TBW-12064 "Royal Force" 1st Place A.U. Convention Race 626 Birds 21 lofts 215 Miles flown by John Stephen. 12-TBW-12003 "Royal Queen" BBH 1st place AGN Hot Spot race 147 Miles 589 birds, Hot Spot Race #3 26th place 235 miles 498 Birds. A Son off "The Zero Hen" is 03-WB3-0401 BBC in 2008 he bred 08-TBW-1907 "Holiday's Flight" BBH. Flying in the San Diego Holiday Cup series she was 1st at the 150 mile race and then she was 1st at the 300 mile "Main Event". In 2009 #401 bred 09-WB3-949 BBH flown by Dan Shonkwiler of the Gulfcoast Homing Club (GHC) in Florida racing 260 miles she was 16th overall against 1612 birds and 86 lofts. She also was 11th overall south section against 1106 birds. Then in old birds 2011 09-WB3-948 nestmate sister was 12th overall for Dan at 156 miles, 393 birds 18 lofts. Another great daughter off #401 is 10-GENO-300 "Vegas" BBH She was 1st Equal Place winner 9 birds on the drop 7th overall 335 miles 1181.91 YPM 1265 birds and 85 lofts flown by Tony Zatta She was the 1st Place winner of the 2010 Breeders Cup winning $3450. In 2010 #401 bred 10-TBW-1039 BBC that was 39th place overall greater Valley in Southern Ca. from 260 miles and 2200 birds, than at 227 miles he was 64th overall against 2057 birds.
7) 03-WB3-422 "Castaway's Golden Eagle" BBC Son of "The Castaway Cock" he bred 05-DESHONK-328 BBH 26th open at 200 miles A.U. convention race in San Francisco. First to the loft of Joe Vogel 59 lofts and 1172 Birds.
8) 03-WB3-559 BBH "Castaway Queen" Daughter of "The Castaway Cock" she bred 10-TBW-1071"Ace #1" 1st overall Southern Calif. and all greater valley from 300 miles she was one of "The Four Ace's" flown by Mike Cassidy. #1071 was 29th overall from Fresno 180 miles 1700 birds also 31st overall from Woodland 350 Miles with no day birds. 10-TBW-1070 BBH nestmate to #1071 was 39th overall from 140 miles 3000 Birds.
9) 03-WB3-307 BBH Daughter of "The Castaway Cock" when he was mated to 98-SCQ-782 "The Lord's Pick" "Best Bird Snow Bird 1998" winner of $46,000 this hen bred 08-TBW-1933 BBH that flew the "Silver State Classic" and was 2nd drop at 150 miles 1st drop at 200 miles and 25th 320 miles. She also bred 10-FK-1023 BBH she was 28th place from 300 miles San Diego Classic. She also bred 10-LONE STAR 612 this bird was 9th place 1st to the loft at 318 miles against 269 B. The nestmate to #612 is 10-LONE STAR-611 this bird was 45th against 420 B from 106 miles then she was 35th place against 269 B. from 318 miles.
10) 04-WB3-1177 "Federal Express" BBC Son of "THE Castaway Cock" he bred.
3rd overall at 106 miles 420 birds 34 Lofts.
35th overall at 318 miles 246 birds 31 Lofts.
11th overall at 318 miles 269 birds 28 Lofts.
10th overall at 318 miles 244 birds 31 Lofts.
21st overall at 318 miles 346 birds 29 Lofts.
11-TBW-11141 "Lucky"
In the South Africa Million Dollar Race this bird was.
273rd from 50 miles against 4335 B.
703rd from 50 miles against 3989 B.
1000th from 81 miles against 4478 B.
625th from 50 miles against 4015 B.
967th from 236 miles 3856 B.
125th from 50 miles 3535 B.
805th from 81 miles 3513 B.
11) 04-WB3-1291 BBC Son of "The Castaway Cock" he bred.
09-FK-930 BBH
1st Place 135 miles 150 B. Shasta Classic.
09-FK-931 BBH
1st Place 135 miles 150 B. Shasta Classic.
2nd Drop 350 miles 1 min. after 1st drop by her self.
12) 04-WB3-1373 BBC "Sonny" Son of "The Castaway Cock" he bred.
08-TBW-1868 "No Surprise" BBC
In the South Africa Million Dollar Race this bird was.
203rd Hot Spot #1 78 miles
719th training flight 11
623rd Hot Spot #3 144 miles.
256th training flight 12
712th training flight 13
522nd training flight 14
277th training flight 15
180th training flight 16
14th Hot Spot #5 240 miles 3459 B.
10-LCBR-334 "Sonny Boy" BBC 1st Place $100 band Race Compton Ca. 400 miles no day birds won $7000 flown by John Stephen.
09-WB3-937 BBC 4th place 150 miles Tournament of Champions only 20 day birds in the 300 miles race he was in the second drop 2min. behind 1st drop.
08-TBW-1948 "Hope Surprise" This bird is one of Dan Severns top breeding cocks. He was a "City of Hope" donated auction bird and the full brother to "No Surprise".
10-TBW-1015 BBC was 9th Overall Greater Valley at 340 miles for Mike Cassidy.
13) 04-WB3-1136 BBC Son of "The Castaway Cock" in 2006 we mated him to his half sister "The Zero Hen" they bred 06-VANGRUEN-75 BBH for Steve Miner number 75 bred 3 one loft money winners for Steve her first year in the breeding loft. We then took another daughter off #75 09-VANGRUEN-972 "Two-Be-Gruen" Silver H. She has bred us winners three years in a row 11-TBW-11053 "Big Red" 1st place at 290 miles All Greater Valley and Southern Calif. for Mike Cassidy. 11-TBW-11163 "Walt's Wonder" 1st Place winner 300 miles 587 Birds 1st in the clock California Classic. 12-TBW-12100 "Red Fire" Silver C 1st place Hot Spot AGN Race #1 150 miles 589 Birds. 15th place in the AGN main event 331 miles 441 birds.
14) 04-WB3-1182 BBC Son of "The Castaway Cock" he bred 07-WB3-2194 BBC in old birds 2009 he was 1st Champion Bird in the San Fernando Club for Mike Cassidy. 10-TBW-1004 BBC 27th overall 290 miles 1900 birds. Also 41st overall 104 miles 2500 birds flown by Mike Cassidy.
15) 02(04)-WBTHERE-0000 BBH Daughter of "The Castaway Cock" She was banded with an old ring she bred. 08-TBW-1878 "Sutter's Gold" BBC 1st Place 300 miles Fort Sutter Classic Out in front all by himself. 10-TBW-1179 BBH 36th Place 300 miles "Shasta Classic" against 172 Birds. In 2006 we mated her to her half brother 04-WB3-1136 they bred 06-VANGRUEN-75 BBH for Steve Miner number 75 bred 3 one loft money winners for Steve her first year in the breeding loft. We then took another daughter off #75 09-VANGRUEN-972 "Two-Be-Gruen" Silver H. She has bred us winners three years in a row 11-TBW-11053 "Big Red" 1st place at 290 miles All Greater Valley and Southern Calif. for Mike Cassidy. 11-TBW-11163 "Walt's Wonder" 1st Place winner 300 miles 587 Birds 1st in the clock California Classic. 12-TBW-12100 "Red Fire" Silver C 1st place Hot Spot AGN Race #1 150 miles 589 Birds. 15th place in the AGN main event 331 miles 441 birds.
16) 04-WB3-1159 BBH Daughter of "The Castaway Cock" She bred. 09-TBW-901 "The Computer Cock" BBC 1st overall Greater Valley and Southern Calif. from 150 miles 2500 birds. 09-FK-965 BBH This bird was 1st drop five times at the California Classic 1st at 100 miles,125 miles,150 miles,200 miles,225 miles and was 2nd drop at the 300 mile final race.
17) 04-WB3-1228 "Lady Castaway" BBH Daughter of "The Castaway Cock"She has bred the following birds 09-FK 970 1st to the loft 46th overall 1112 birds flown by Dan Shonkwiler in Florida. 10-LONESTAR-613 BBH 1st overall 475 birds from 106 miles also #613 was equal 1st of a five bird drop 346 birds from 318 miles. 11-TBW-11191 "Cast-A-Star" BBH 1st Place winner 300 Miles San Diego Holiday Cup Race. 11-TBW-11127 "Smokie" In the Million Dollar South Africa Race series "Smokie" was U.S.A. 27th average speed winner overall after the five hot spot races. Hot spot #1 race 32 place 121 miles 4462 B., Hot Spot #2 race 357 place 159 miles 4229 B., Hot Spot #3 race 93rd place 188 miles 4057 B., Hot Spot #4 race 1045 place 213miles 4073 B., Hot Spot race #5 138th place 236 miles 3856 B. 12-TBW-12064 "Royal Force" 1st Place A.U. Convention Race 626 Birds 21 lofts 215 Miles flown by John Stephen. 12-TBW-12003 "Royal Queen" BBH 1st place AGN Hot Spot race 147 Miles 589 birds, Hot Spot Race #3 26th place 235 miles 498 Birds. After 3 Hot Spot Races 12003 and 12-TBW-12041 were leading first avg. speed as a team.
18) 04-WB3-101 BBH Daughter of "The Castaway Cock" She bred. 04-WB3-1324 BBH she was 8th place winner San Diego Holiday Cup flown by Steve Miner. There were 7-Day birds and #1324 came in the dark some time in the middle of the night and was found on the loft in the dark and clocked at 5:51:13 am the next 2nd day bird was clocked by Steve at 7:53:34 am. Two weeks later #1324 was 8th place winner of the San Diego Super Race. Then in 2005 #1324 bred The San Diego Triple Crown winner for Steve Miner.
19) 02 (04)-WBTHERE-0001 "The There Zero One Hen" Daughter of "The Castaway Cock" She was banded with an old ring but bred in 2004. She bred 10-TBW-1113 "The Cast Iron Hen" BCH 1st Place winner 300 miles California Classic.
20) 04-WB3-1277 "Vic's Express" Daughter of "The Castaway Cock" She bred in 2010 a pair of nest mate performance young birds. 10-TBW-1003 "Ace #4" BBH Equal 1st place winner from 290 miles 4 birds in the drop against 1900 birds. Her nest mate 10-TBW-1002 BBH was 7th overall from 350 miles and 1000 birds. A third sister 10-TBW-1074 was 48th All Greater Valley from 104 miles against 2500 birds. In 2011 bird 11-TBW 11104 "#2 Seven From Heven" BBH was 19th overall from 171 miles 1800 Birds then at 290 miles she was one of the "Seven From Heaven" . Mike Cassidy got seven birds on the drop 10 min. out in front taking the 1st seven positions in the All Greater Valley. In 2011 10-TBW-1003 "Ace #4" bred 11-WB2-216 1st equal place winner "Seven From Heaven" from 290 miles.
21) 05-SEP-459 BBPDH Daughter of "The Castaway Cock" She bred. 98-SCQ-782 "The Lord's Pick" "Best Bird Snow Bird 1998" winner of $46,000. In 2009 she bred 09-TBW-907 BBC was 1st equal on the drop and clocked second and was 2nd overall 250 miles1200 birds.
22) 05-WB3-702 "Cast Off Cock" BBC Son of "The Castaway Cock" He bred. 10-TBW-1026 "The Flyaway Hen" 1st Place Over All Valley 227 Miles flown by Mike Cassidy.
23) 05-WB3-703 BBPDC Son of "The Castaway Cock" He bred. 07-SEP-2124 this bird was 1st Place over all Greater Valley at 300 Miles 10-min in front of the 2nd place bird.
24) 05-SEP-471 BBC Son of "The Castaway Cock" He bred. 09-FK-962 BBH 2nd Drop California Classic 300 Miles 430 Birds.
25) 06-WB3-644 BBH Daughter of "The Castaway Cock" She bred. 08-SEP-145 BBC he was 1st Over All from 227 Miles Merced flown by Mike Cassidy. 09-WB2-13 BBWFC was 4th Over All Greater Valley from Woodland 350 Miles flown by Mike Cassidy.
26) 08-TBW-1997 BBH Daughter of "The Castaway Cock" She bred. 11-TBW-11027 BCH
5th Over All at 105 miles 2200 birds.
40th Over All at 132 miles 2000 birds.
25th Over All at 171 miles 1800 birds
8th Over All 270 miles Modesto Flown By Mike Cassidy.
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